Hehe just got invited to Huxley Closed Beta !
Some might know what this game is some might not. Its a mmofps developed by webzin based on UT3 engine.
Game is like UT3 GOW GW Bit of its own ideas. Its actualy realy fun looks amazing and runs like wind.
You have all basic game ideas, character development, lots of equipment, auction house, licenses, boards, missions, cities, battlegrounds, vehicles, tanks? lol, evil alien mutans (hell yeah
) epic battles and more. And thats only in very limited closed CB 1 Phase 1!
Cant realy tell much because od NDA but i might share some more info later on and il post some screenshots to
If you never tracked this title, i would say do it now! Its new, its FRESH, and its something that we did not had yeat. Would say planeside was as close as any mmo got to it but this title is so much beter than that one and its difrent
I would say thats the only way you can make futuristic mmo. Guns just dont work if you dont shoot them in real time hehe!
If you lucky you might get some keys from http://www.fileplanet.com/ if you are from US or Canada, or if you can change proxy for your browser to use one from US